Intensifier list
Intensifier List
Below is an intensifier list. On the previous page you saw them in combination with other words including common usage.
Here, the list is on its own for you to recognize them more readily in combination with other words.
Far and away
Far better
Each and every one
Every single one
The one and only
Hardly any
Almost no
Few such
Far between
No reason whatsoever
Any reason whatsoever
Quite a few
A good many
Many a
Far / way too many
Much / far too much
Once and for all
Just this once
Every once in a while
Every now and again / then
All too often
More often than not
How …………… he is.
What a …………….. he is.
Never ever
Yet to
A very / a most / quite a
Not at all
Not in the least
Not the least
In the least
At the very least
Believe it or not, there are many more phrases or words that could make it into this list. Not that you should learn the list itself, but rather, how they are used and tested in the grammar section of the Michigan exam.
Remember, this is one of those frequently tested areas where you can gain valuable points on your test.
The FREE Practice Tests available from this site give you practice on just such items!
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