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Learn about Michigan Proficiency Exams success…

As an English teacher, I have a great desire to see my students succeed.


As a business owner, I have a great desire to see my business succeed.


As a business-owning, English teacher, I saw the perfect opportunity to satisfy both desires.


How’s that, you ask?


The internet.


That’s right, the internet.


But how?


After all, I’m not some kind of computer-techno-type of person. Oh sure, I had surfed the net a little, chatted a couple of times and visited the Rock and Roll hall of fame (virtually) so starting a website – let alone a business website – was one of the furthest things from my mind.


My internet business experience was limited to trying to get my school’s site up.

This involved many phone calls to the phone company, lots of trial and error which also meant a great deal of frustration. In the end I had an expensive but relatively worthless website. (I had a webmaster computer guy do it) He made it look nice, I suppose, but he knew nothing about the business aspect of things – or if he did – he kept that information to himself.


So there I was.


I had an expensive, “pretty” site and…














So now, you’ve got to ask the question…


How many businesses in the mall (or anywhere else) would survive if they had zero visitors?




After all of the time, effort and expense that I put into our site; after answering a thousand questions about how I liked this button or if I liked that color, I was less than enthusiastic to hear any more about the internet.




In steps my friend Christina. (Thank God!)


Christina is one of those geniuses whose lack (seemingly) of motivation turned out to be a great benefit for me (and you too).


You see, it was Christina who told me about Sitesell.


What’s Sitesell?


We’ll get to that in a minute.


You clicked on “about this site,” right? And I’m trying to tell you how Michigan-Proficiency-Exams.com came into being. : – )


Anyway, Christina had started a site that had received more visitors in four months than my other site had received in four years!


So when she told me about Sitesell; I said, “Ok, ok, I’ll check it out.”


So, to make a long story less long, I went to the Sitesell site to check up on them. In so doing I came across something that caused me to stop in my tracks and to read it again. I read something like…


“It takes as much time and expense to build a bad site as it does to build a good one.” (or something like that)


The truth of that one short statement really struck me.


After all, I had invested a lot of time and expense to have a bad site built, when Christina’s site outperformed mine in a matter of just a couple of months. What’s more, our site had nearly a 100 pages of content and Christina’s only had TWO!


Now, to make this long story short.


I went to Sitesell.


I checked it out.


It sounded good, but not “too good” if you know what I mean.


If you are looking for a business opportunity you can’t do better than the internet.




  • Low start up cost.
  • Low overhead.
  • A rapidly growing, world-wide market.
  • Automation!


That means the capital to get started and the capital to keep your business going is next to nothing. It also means you are truly in the first and only worldwide market.


(Sitesell gives you all the tools so you can do it yourself in your spare time like I have done.)


These are just some of the advantages of “doing business” on the internet.


So, now, about this site…


By following the steps as outlined in Sitesell’s action guide to the letter, (remember, I’m not very technically inclined) Michigan-Proficiency-Exams.com was number 1 in Yahoo and MSN search engines and number 3 in Google for my particular keywords.


Do you know what that means?




Lot’s of traffic.


It means people like you have visited my site because you were searching for the information this site provides.


What does that mean in terms of my other site?


Well, in four months time Michigan-Proficiency-Exams.com has had more unique visitors BY FAR than my other website and traffic is continuing to grow!


So yes, it does take “as much time and effort to build a bad site as it does a good site.”


After all, I’m living proof.


In fact, I like Sitesell so much that I’m starting another site.


To learn more about Sitesell and to get the “know how” of site building, click on the following graphic. It just may be the best use of your time in a long time.

PS. Tell ’em Todd sent you!

The box below contains some “inside” communication from Sitesell itself. You can read about what’s new and what’s happening at Sitesell right from this page or click on the links to read the whole articles.

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