Welcome to the MSU exams page. Until now, Michigan Proficiency Exams Dot Com provided the most information and the best practice materials for the English exams produced and distributed by the University of Michigan’s, English Language Institute. That’s no longer the case. Sure, we still provide great information and the best practice materials for the University of Michigan’s English language exams, but I’m pleased to announce that we now offer even more… We now feature information and practice materials for the English exams produced and distributed by another great university located in the beautiful state of Michigan, Michigan State University. This page is here to provide information about the exams offered by Michigan State University’s, English Language Center.Michigan State has designed their exams to be ‘user friendly.’ Currently, they offer two levels based on the European Common Framework of Languages. The B2 and the C2, respectively.The Michigan State exams have been piloted and tested in Greece and are recognized by ASEP. They are also being used and tested in other countries including Saudi Arabia, Bah rain, China and Vietnam. The first large scale exams in Greece are to be held April 4, 2009. (B2 level only) To sign up and see practice materials offered by Anatolia College (the administrators of the test in Greece) contact their website at msu exams or give them a call at 2310 398 398. For test specifics click on the acronym (CELC or CELP) at the left menu bar for further exam information.