Greek and Latin Root Words
Greek and Latin root words
Greek and Latin root words are most important when learning and improving your English vocabulary.
Root words should not be overlooked when it comes to improving your vocabulary or preparing for exams.
Many roots in English can be traced back to the other languages from which they were “borrowed” and adopted into English. Many English words have Greek or Latin roots.
By learning the following root words, your ability to recognize unknown English words will greatly increase!!
This is extremely important when it comes to the vocabulary section of the Michigan Proficiency Exams. This page was my first attempt at gathering this information. The following pages provide more detailed and complete Greek and Latin root words list.
administer | exercise power | administered |
annus,enn | year | biennial,annual |
anthropos | mankind | anthropology, misanthropic, philanthropic |
apprehend | arrest, understand | apprehension |
ard | burn | ardent |
audax | boldeness, lack of respect | audacity |
aud | hear/sound | audible |
auxili | help | auxiliarum |
biblio | book | bibliography |
cedo | go | precede, succeed, intercede |
chronos | time | chronology,synchronize |
claudo | shut | include, preclude, exclusive |
commun | common | common, communist |
conclud | finish | conclusion |
confid | trust | confident |
confit | admit | confession |
consequ | that which follows | consecutive |
constitu | made of | constitution |
cura | care | curator, sinecure |
decide | decide | decision |
defend | defend | defend |
detter | prevent | deter |
defend | defend | defend,defense |
decid | decide | decision |
ego | I / self | egotist, egocentric |
fero | to carry | transfer, refer, differ |
fid | faith | fidelity, confidence, |
fluo | flow | fluent, fluid, influence |
gnostos | know | agnostic, recognizance |
haero | to stick | cohere, adhere |
integ | honor | integrity |
jacio | throw | reject, interject |
laud | praise | laudable, applaud |
lingua | tongue | bilingual, linguistic |
loqu | to talk | eloquent |
mania | madness | maniac, egomania |
metron | measure | meter, speedometer |
murus | wall | moralistic, intramural |
nihil | nothing | annihilate, nihilist |
obligat | must | obligation |
optikos | vision | optician, optical |
onus | weight | onus |
ovum | egg | oval, ovary |
ped | foot | pedestrian, pedal. impede |
pend | hang | pendant, dependent |
persuad | persuade | persuade |
phobia | fear | claustrophobia, phobia |
phone | sound | stereophonic, phoneme, |
pliao | fold | pleat, application, pliable, imply |
post | after | posterity |
pus | foot | octopus |
press | push | repress, depress |
provid | vision | provisional, provision |
relinq | leave, abandon | relinquish |
residu | remnant | residue, residual |
resist | stand against | resistant |
scend | climb | transcend, ascend, descend |
seco | cut | sector, section, insect |
sed | sit | sediment, sedate residence |
sed | plant / reproduce | sperm, sporadic |
sentio | feel | sentimental, resent, consent |
sophos | wise | sophistication |
spectus | look | retrospective, inspect, spectacles |
tactus | touch | tactile, contact |
therme | heat | thermometer, thermos |
urbo | city | suburban |
verto | turn | inversion, revert, convert |
viv | live | vivid, vital |
To go to the next page of greek and latin root words click on the preceding link. The next page contains a complete list of Greek and Latin root words from A-E.