Greek Latin Words
Greek Latin Words…
Greek Latin words are everywhere in the English language. They shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes vocabulary enhancement or exam preparation.
Because many English words can be traced back to the Greek Latin words from which they were taken.
By learning the words below, your ability to recognize unknown English words will greatly increase! This is an extremely important when it comes to the vocabulary section of the Michigan Proficiency Exams.
This along with the following pages contain one of the most complete lists of Greek Latin words available, anywhere. It’s here to help you improve your vocabulary. Good Learning!
ac,acr | sharp | acrimonious, acerbity, |
aev,ev | age,era | primeval, coeval, medieval |
ag,act | to do | act, agent |
agog | leader | demagogue, pedagogue |
agri, agrari | field | agrarian, agriculture, |
ali | another | alias, alienate |
alt | high | altitude, altimeter |
alter | other | altruistic, alter ego |
am | love | amorous, amity, amicable |
anim | mind, soul | unanimous, magnanimity |
ann, enn | year | annuity, biennial perennial |
anthrop | human beings | anthropology misanthrope philanthropy |
apt | fit | aptitude, adapt |
aqua | water | aqueduct, aquatic |
arcg | ruler, first | archaeology, monarch, anarchy |
aster | star | astronomy, asterisk, disaster |
auto | self | autocracy, automobile, |
belli | war | bellicose, belligerent |
ben, bon | good | benefactor, bonus, benevolence |
biblio | book | bibliography, Bible |
bio | life | biography, biology, biochemist |
breve | short | brevity, abbreviate, |
cad,cas | to fall | decadent, cadence, cascade |
cap,capt, cept, cip | to take | capture, participate, precept |
capit,capt | head | decapitate, captain |
carn | flesh | carnivorous, carnage, carna |
ced, cess | to yield, to go | recede, antecedent, process |
celer | swift | celerity, decelerate, accelerate |
cent | one hundred | century, cennential, centipede |
chron | time | chronology, chronicle |
cid, cis | to cut, to kill | incision, homicide, fratricide |
cit, citat | to call, to start | incite, excite, recitation |
civi | citizen | civilization, civilian, civil |
clam, clamat | to cry out | clamorous, acclamation |
claud, claus, | to close | claustrophobia, enclose, |
clos, clud | finish | conclude |
cognosc, cognit | to learn | agnostic, recognition |
compl | to fill | complete, complement, comply |
cord | heart | accord, cordial, discord |
corpor | body | incorporate, corporeal, corpse |
cred,credit | to believe | incredulous, credulity, credence |
cur | to care | curator, sinecure, secure |
curr, currs | to run | excursion, cursory, precursor |
deb, debit | to owe | debt, indebtedness, |
dem | people | democracy, demagogue, |
derm | skin | epidermis,pachyderm, dermatology |
di,diurn | day | diary, diurnal |
dic, dict | to say | abdicate, diction, verdict |
doc, doct | to rule | dominate, domain, dominant |
duc,duct | to lead | viaduct, aqueduct |
dynam | power, strength | dynamic, dynamite, dynamo |
ego | self | egoist, egotist, egocentric |
erg, urg | work | energy, metallurgy |
err | to wander | error, erratic, |
eu | good, well, beautiful | eulogize, euphemism, Eudoxia |
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