The cloze passage needn’t be difficult if you…
…learn to unlock the cloze passage puzzle by knowing where and how to insert the right keys.
The cloze reading section often presents unexpected difficulties for students.
Generally, a lack of adequate preparation combined with the lack of proper cloze technique, causes problems that really needn’t occur.
Don’t worry; there is no need to panic if you havedifficulties with this section of the test, or this particular skill. What you need to do, though, is to learn and practice some basic techniques that will help you to strengthen your weaknesses.
As I share in my e-book, “Why Students Fail,” (by the way, you have read it, haven’t you? If not, I recommend doing that first. Check click on WHY FAIL in the left menu bar.
By learning and practicing the various cloze techniques that I’ll be sharing in the next few pages, you will be well on your way to passing your Michigan Proficiency Exam and improving your cloze score.
Are you ready to improve your cloze score?
Get started by clicking on cloze passage to let the learning, practicing and improving of scores, begin! You’ll go to the first page in a series of teachings designed to help you improve your cloze reading scores!